Solving Inequality (the math kind)

This neat approach ( showed up recently as an answer to a FiveThirtyEight puzzle ( and of course I couldn’t help but throw it at dplyr as soon as I could. Turns out that’s not a terrible idea. The question posed is


200a + 100b + 50c + 25d

under the constraints

400a + 400b + 150c + 50d ≤ 1000, b ≤ a, a ≤ 1, c ≤ 8, d ≤ 4,

and (a,b,c,d) all non-negative integers.

Leaving aside any interpretations of wording of the original question (let’s just start with trying to solve this system of inequalities) the solution provided used 4 nested loops (, which can definitely be avoided.

My approach was to create all possible combinations of the 4 variables (within the given constraints), filter out the ones that don’t meet the constraint criteria, then sort by the evaluating expression to find which one does best.

## Optimising an expression subject to inequality constriaints
## as seen on
## Blogged @
## The expression to optimise:
## 200a + 100b + 50c + 25d
## The constraints
## 400a + 400b + 150c + 50d <= 1000
## b <= a, a <= 1, c <= 8, d <= 4
## load required packages
## optimise the expression by brute-forcing all integer
## combinations, enforcing constraints, and sorting
expand.grid(a=0:1, b=0:1, c=0:8, d=0:4) %>%
mutate(*a + 400*b + 150*c + 50*d,*a + 100*b + 50*c + 25*d) %>%
filter(b <= a, <= 1000) %>%
arrange( %>%
## a b c d
## 1 0 3 3
## = 425
view raw ( inequality_1.R ( hosted with ❤ by GitHub (

I’m not suggesting that this is by any means always the best approach, but when the phase-space of possible solutions is so low (especially combinations of small integers) then this is pretty tidy (technically a single dplyr chain).

Alternatively, one could set this up as an equation and use a linear solver. In that case, we want to optimise max(Ax)\max(\|A x\|) subject to the constraints GxhG x \ge h where AA and xx represent the coefficients and variables to be optimised, hh the constraint vector, and GG a matrix of coefficients for the constraints. For the system we’re looking at, that matrix inequality looks like this

[400400150501000010000100001][abcd][10001184] . \left[\begin{array}{cccc}400 & 400 & 150 & 50 \\1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c}a \\ b \\ c \\ d\end{array}\right] \le \left[\begin{array}{c}1000 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\ 8 \\ 4\end{array}\right]\ .

Of course, the constraint that bab \le a needs to be checked after the fact.

Programming this is fairly straightforward, even with the constraint that these are integer solutions. limSolve::linp ( is made for exactly these types of problems.

## Optimising an expression subject to inequality constriaints
## as seen on
## Blogged @
## The expression to optimise:
## 200a + 100b + 50c + 25d
## The constraints
## 400a + 400b + 150c + 50d <= 1000
## b <= a, a <= 1, c <= 8, d <= 4
## load required packages
library(limSolve) ## limSolve::linp
## alternatively, set the system up as a matrix
## inequality constraints (LHS)
## negative for <=
G = -matrix(c(400,400,150,50,
0,0,0,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)
## inequality constraints (RHS)
## negative for <=
H = -c(1000, 1, 1, 8, 4)
## cost function (negative to maximise)
Cost <- -c(200, 100, 50, 25)
## optimise the system
sol <- linp(Cost=Cost, G=G, H=H, int.vec=c(1,2,3,4))
## the solution matches the one found in the dplyr chain
## a b c d
## 1 0 3 3
## 425
view raw ( inequality_2.R ( hosted with ❤ by GitHub (

which results in the same answer as our manual brute-force search.

One last thing to try is to plot the solution space and see how it looks. Sounds like a good opportunity to try out plotly (

Since this is technically a 5D plot (4 variables and a value) it’s a little difficult to visualise. I’ve reduced the dimensionality by treating each unique combination of a1a \le 1 and bab \le a (i.e. 00, 01, 10, 1100,~01,~10,~11) as a group and using colour to distinguish those. The plot below should show up as a 3D object, so click, drag, and scroll it to have a closer look. Clicking on a group will remove/add it so you can get a clearer view, and hovering over a point should bring up the values of the axes and evaluation.

Going back to the expression that’s being optimised it’s pretty clear why it’s broken down into 4 planes when grouped this way (substitute different values of aa and bb to see).

Do you have another way to solve this? Drop a line or a link in the comments.


See also