Improving a Visualization

I saw this post on Reddit’s r/dataisbeautiful showing this plot of streaming services market share, comparing 2020 to 2021

US Streaming Services Market Share, 2020 vs 2021

and thought it looked like a good candidate for trying out some plot improvement techniques.

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isEven without modulo

You may have seen the memes going around about fun ways to program the straightforward function isEven() which returns TRUE if the input is even, and FALSE otherwise. I had a play with this and it turned into enough for a blog post, and a nice walk through some features of R.

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Adding strings in R

This started out as a “hey, I wonder…” sort of thing, but as usual, they tend to end up as interesting voyages into the deepest depths of code, so I thought I’d write it up and share. Shoutout to [@coolbutuseless]( for proving that a little curiosity can go a long way and inspiring me to keep digging into interesting topics.

This is what you get if you “glue” “strings”. Photo:

This is what you get if you “glue” “strings”. Photo:

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Constricted development with reticulate

I’ve been using the reticulate package occasionally for a while now, so I was surprised to see that it had only just been officially released.

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JC and the Vignettes

If that’s not a great 1960’s band name then I don’t know what is (hint: I don’t know what is).

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