Hyperlinks are great - they add value to a block of text by adding additional links out to more things to read - but they’re a distraction if you’re trying to read an in-depth piece of text and comprehend it linearly. Let’s hack the web!
[Read More]Hyperlink Annotations in JavaScript and CSS
This might not have been difficult for a seasoned web-dev, but it was reasonably tricky to find a clear solution online (at least it was for me) so here’s how I added the neat domain hints next to all the hyperlinks on my blog.
[Read More]Version Zero Easter Eggs
I’ve just finished reading ‘Version Zero’ by David Yoon. I really enjoyed it. There’s some (javascript) code on some separator pages between some of the chapters that is loosely tied into the plot and general theme of the book. I love solving puzzles, so what was I supposed to do, just leave it at that?
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