Constricted development with reticulate
Posted on April 4, 2018
(Last modified on August 13, 2019)
| 5 minutes
| 1012 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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I’ve been using the reticulate package occasionally for a while now, so I was surprised to see that it had only just been officially released.
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JC and the Vignettes
Posted on March 6, 2018
(Last modified on August 12, 2019)
| 3 minutes
| 627 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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If that’s not a great 1960’s band name then I don’t know what is (hint: I don’t know what is).
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Thou shalt not compare numeric values (except when it works)
Posted on September 4, 2017
(Last modified on August 13, 2019)
| 7 minutes
| 1405 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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This was just going to be a few Tweets but it ended up being a bit of a rollercoaster of learning for me, and I haven’t blogged in far too long, so I’m writing it up quickly as a ‘hey look at that’ example for newcomers.
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Data Munging With R Preview - Storing Values (Assigning)
Posted on June 26, 2017
(Last modified on August 12, 2019)
| 13 minutes
| 2768 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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Since about October last year, I’ve been writing an introduction to R book. It’s
been quite the experience. I’ve finally started making time to document some of
the interesting things I’ve learned (about R, about writing, about how to bring
those two together) along the way.
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Images as x-axis labels (updated)
Posted on June 3, 2016
(Last modified on August 12, 2019)
| 2 minutes
| 315 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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They say “if you want to find an answer on the internet, just present a wrong one as fact. Then wait.”
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Images as x-axis labels
Posted on June 2, 2016
(Last modified on August 12, 2019)
| 4 minutes
| 772 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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Open-source software is awesome. If I found that a piece of closed-source software was missing a feature that I wanted, well, bad luck. I probably couldn’t even tell if was actually missing or if I just didn’t know about it. When the source is available, maintained, and documented however, things get fun. We can identify, and perhaps fill gaps.
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From a (set.)seed grows a mighty dataset
Posted on May 30, 2016
(Last modified on August 13, 2019)
| 12 minutes
| 2366 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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Can you predict the output from this code?
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Bad Neighbours (no, not the movie)
Posted on April 30, 2016
(Last modified on August 13, 2019)
| 8 minutes
| 1569 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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Another day, another compulsion to see if I can do any better than someone’s solution.
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Solving Inequality (the math kind)
Posted on April 27, 2016
(Last modified on August 12, 2019)
| 3 minutes
| 527 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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This neat approach showed up recently as an answer to a FiveThirtyEight puzzle and of course I couldn’t help but throw it at dplyr as soon as I could. Turns out that’s not a terrible idea. The question posed is
200a + 100b + 50c + 25d
under the constraints
400a + 400b + 150c + 50d ≤ 1000, b ≤ a, a ≤ 1, c ≤ 8, d ≤ 4,
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#auunconf slack users' timezone locations
Posted on April 14, 2016
(Last modified on August 12, 2019)
| 2 minutes
| 351 words
| Jonathan Carroll
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I had never used slack before, but had read a heap of tech articles extolling its virtues. Apparently this is what our current Prime Minister advocates within Cabinet. The upcoming #auunconf organising team set up a channel and invited the participants, so I checked it out. Slack is pretty awesome as far as a unified workspace/messaging protocol can go. What makes it even more awesome, is that someone (@hrbrmstr, no surprise) has made an R package that talks to it.
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