Images as x-axis labels

Open-source software is awesome. If I found that a piece of closed-source software was missing a feature that I wanted, well, bad luck. I probably couldn’t even tell if was actually missing or if I just didn’t know about it. When the source is available, maintained, and documented however, things get fun. We can identify, and perhaps fill gaps.

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Solving Inequality (the math kind)

This neat approach showed up recently as an answer to a FiveThirtyEight puzzle and of course I couldn’t help but throw it at dplyr as soon as I could. Turns out that’s not a terrible idea. The question posed is optimise 200a + 100b + 50c + 25d under the constraints 400a + 400b + 150c + 50d ≤ 1000, b ≤ a, a ≤ 1, c ≤ 8, d ≤ 4, [Read More]

#auunconf slack users' timezone locations

I had never used slack before, but had read a heap of tech articles extolling its virtues. Apparently this is what our current Prime Minister advocates within Cabinet. The upcoming #auunconf organising team set up a channel and invited the participants, so I checked it out. Slack is pretty awesome as far as a unified workspace/messaging protocol can go. What makes it even more awesome, is that someone (@hrbrmstr, no surprise) has made an R package that talks to it.

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52vis Week 2 Challenge

From Bob Rudis’ blog comes a weekly data/coding challenge. I didn’t quite get the time to tackle last week’s but I thought this one offered up a pretty good opportunity.

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Bring on the ROpenSci #auunconf 2016!

I’ll be heading to the 2016 ROpenSci un-conference (hackathon) in Brisbane later this month to smash out a heap of open-science R code. Ideas are already flowing quite nicely, and I’m confident that any ideas we don’t end up officially working on will get their chance in the very near future.

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